
A Glossary of Sexual Orientation

Most people with an awareness of, and connection to, their sexuality understand it is essential fluidity and are also, increasingly, moving away from using labels to define it. However, words can still be helpful to foster dialogue and improve understanding. The sheer array of terms which can now be used to discuss sexuality demonstrates just how complex and exciting this area is. Below, we have outlined a few of the most common sexual orientations.


Androgynosexual: a person who is attracted to those with an androgynous appearance, irrespective of gender.

Androsexual: a person who is attracted to men, but mostly to men with very masculine features.

Asexual: a person who lacks sexual attraction to anyone.


Bisexual: a person who experiences attraction to both men and women.


Demisexual: a person who does not experience sexual attraction unless they form a strong emotional connection with someone.


Gynosexual: a person who is attracted to women, but mostly women with very feminine features. Particularly when used by a cisgender person, it can also indicate attraction to the feminine in general (ciswomen, transwomen).


Heterosexual: a person who is attracted to those of the opposite sex.

Heteroflexible: a person who is primarily heterosexual, but with a limited amount of attraction to the opposite sex.

Homosexual: a person who is attracted to those of the same gender.

Homoflexible: a person who is primarily homosexual, but with a limited amount of attraction to the opposite sex.


Pansexual: a person who is attracted to people regardless of their sex or gender identity.


Skoliosexual: a person who is attracted mainly to genderqueer or non-binary people.


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